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What are the Advantages of Decentralized Storage for Enterprises?
Seal TeamAug 18, 20243 min read

What are the Advantages of Decentralized Storage for Enterprises?

By leveraging decentralized cloud storage, enterprises can unlock enhanced data security, increased availability, cost savings, scalability, and compliance. These benefits collectively empower enterprises to optimize their data management strategies and drive innovation in the digital era.

For years, centralized cloud storage providers like Google, Microsoft, and AWS have been the go-to choice for enterprises when it comes to storing data. Although centralized cloud storage providers offer advantages, they often come with hefty egress fees and are vulnerable to cyberattacks that can disable systems and result in significant financial losses.

These real-life examples showcase the impact of egress fees and cybersecurity issues enterprises face.

NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) project was at risk in 2020 when their budget didn’t allot for the millions in egress fees charged by AWS. The high egress fees meant more limited access to the scientific data needed to progress the project.

In terms of cybersecurity, the 2015 Experian data breach serves as a stark reminder of the risks posed by centralized providers. The data breach exposed the personal information of around 15 million T-Mobile customers who had undergone credit checks through the credit reporting agency. This incident underscored the risks of relying solely on centralized cloud storage providers and highlighted the need for stronger security measures in handling sensitive data.

Traditional centralized storage systems have major limitations, including concerns about data security, availability, and cost efficiency. However, a promising alternative has emerged:  decentralized cloud storage providers like Seal Storage Technology.

Decentralized storage leverages cutting-edge technologies like blockchain to revolutionize how enterprises store and manage their data. By adopting decentralized storage, enterprises can enhance data security, achieve cost savings, ensure scalability, and achieve compliance.

Enhanced data security

Decentralized storage ensures data security through advanced encryption techniques, protecting data as it is onboarded, stored, and accessed. Redundancy in decentralized storage mitigates the risk of data loss by distributing data across multiple nodes (servers), ensuring continuous availability, and reducing vulnerability to failures or compromises. These measures collectively enhance data security and provide enterprises with reliable and resilient storage solutions.

Immutable data

By leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized storage providers like Seal ensure that data stored on their platforms cannot be tampered with or altered. This immutability adds an extra layer of trust and security to enterprise data, as it prevents unauthorized modifications and provides an audit trail of all changes made to the data. With immutable data, enterprises can have confidence in the integrity and authenticity of their stored information, making it an essential component for data management and compliance requirements.

Cost Savings

Cost savings is a significant advantage of decentralized storage for enterprises. Traditional centralized cloud storage often comes with high costs, including subscription fees, data transfer fees (also known as egress fees), and additional charges for storage capacity. With decentralized storage, enterprises can leverage networks and distributed infrastructure, reducing the reliance on expensive centralized data centers and infrastructure maintenance. The main cost savings comes from zero egress fees with decentralized cloud storage. While centralized models can charge thousands for accessing your data, decentralized models remove this costly fee. By embracing cost-effective decentralized storage solutions, enterprises can allocate their resources more efficiently and achieve significant cost savings in their data management strategies.


Traditional centralized storage systems often face limitations when it comes to scaling storage capacity to meet growing demands. In contrast, decentralized storage providers leverage distributed networks allowing for seamless scalability. As more participants join the network and contribute their storage resources, the overall storage capacity increases organically. Enterprises can easily scale up or down their storage needs without worrying about infrastructure limitations or service disruptions. This flexibility enables businesses to adapt to changing data storage requirements, handle massive data volumes, and support future growth effortlessly. With decentralized storage, enterprises can ensure that their data storage infrastructure remains agile and scalable to meet the evolving demands of the digital era.

Data Sovereignty and Compliance

Data sovereignty refers to the concept that data should be subject to the laws and regulations of the country where it is generated or resides. By using decentralized storage providers, enterprises can retain control over their data, ensuring it remains within the boundaries of their jurisdiction. This empowers businesses to comply with local data protection regulations and maintain data sovereignty. Additionally, decentralized storage platforms offer built-in privacy features, including encryption and user-centric data control, further enhancing compliance with data privacy requirements. Enterprises can confidently navigate the complex landscape of data sovereignty and compliance while safeguarding the privacy and integrity of their valuable data assets with decentralized storage.



Seal Team

Seal Storage