Cost Effective Decentralized Storage
Seal provides highly scalable, verifiable decentralized cloud storage that traditional providers can't match.
Better Storage at a Better Price
Better Storage
- Three copies
- Decentralized
- Blockchain secured
- Verified daily
- Immutable
Better Price
- Fixed price
- Free egress
- Volume discounts
per terabyte per month
per petabyte per year
Connect with an expert
Speak with a decentralized storage expert to solve your data challenges.Pricing FAQ
Why is Seal Storage so cost effective?
Seal uses different technology than everyone else. It is state of the art, it's based on blockchain, it's decentralized, and it is the way all important data will be stored in the future. None of the traditional data storage companies are capable of offering this today.
What's the difference in the technology Seal utilizes?
Seal's storage architecture uses a highly secure, immutable technology called cryptography, which is used by the most secure systems in the world. It also uses a way of addressing data that is entirely different from what the traditional data storage companies use. It is far more efficient.
Why don't traditional data storage providers offer the same technology?
In time they probably will, but today, Seal is far ahead of the curve, and the incumbent hyperscalers are not in a hurry to give up their pricing power.
So you're saying it's better and it costs less
Yes, exactly.